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Be Careful When Choosing a Recovery Company

person at a desk with ipad and notebook

Hi, my name is Josh Chin and I am one of the solicitors here at Wealth Recovery Solicitors.

It’s very important that when you come to us to try and help you recover any of your lost monies through either negligent advice from brokers or a pure scam you come to us at the strongest point.

To start with this, the strongest point means you have not already started your case with a potentially rogue recovery company.

It is important to look out for even if you don’t pick WRS to be your recovery agent or solicitor that you look to see if this recovery company is based in the UK.

Many firms or scammers pretend to be in the UK by simply putting on their website that they are based in the UK.

However, if you ask to see them face to face or Zoom meeting and something doesn’t quite add up, this may question whether they are actually based in the UK.

The amazing thing about WRS is we are based in the centre of Manchester. You are able to come in and see one of our solicitors face to face, meet us via Zoom, have a phone call or in certain circumstances we can come and see you in other parts of the country.

Again, I must repeat, you only get one chance at recovering your money and if you unfortunately do come across another recovery company that is pretending to help you and are a scam, your casing might be significantly weakened.

When looking to instruct a recovery company, it is important that you don’t get bitten twice and you have default trust of the company that you’re dealing with.

One way of looking if you can trust this company is that they are either regulated or authorised by particular bodies. WRS is a fully regulated UK law firm. The law firm itself is regulated by Bar Standards Board and I as a solicitor am regulated by The Law Society.

It’s important when you look at other recovery companies, they have the correct credentials and you can see this on the independent website aside from their own.

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