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Impersonation scams

Getting To Know

Impersonation scams

Impersonation scams have become increasingly common and many people around the world are becoming victims of this type of fraud. 

Impersonation scams involve the impersonation of a government body, bank, delivery or utility company, or other organisations and trusted people who then demand payment from you. In some cases, scammers will even impersonate your family or friends. 

This type of scam usually starts with an email, phone call, or even a text message, but there are many other ways the scammers will try to get in contact with you, such as through social media. Social media has become a common platform for impersonation scams as the scammer will pretend to be someone, claiming that the old account is no longer in use in an attempt to dupe the victim into sharing personal and sensitive information. 


How to identify an impersonation scam

How to spot impersonation scams+

Impersonation scams share signs with many other types of investment fraud. One of the biggest signs of an impersonation scam is the sense of urgency in which the scammer has you believe that they need the money. If they are impersonating someone you know, or have dealt with recently, then you may be able to pick up on signs that they are not who they appear to be. 

Another sign is that they will often try to rush or panic you, scaring you into sending the money – it could be that they are in trouble and need money to get out of a difficult situation, or are threatening to suspend a service if you don’t pay. 

In some cases with impersonation fraud and scams, the fraudster can be impersonating someone you know, such as a friend or family member. There are two things you should look for if this is the case. Firstly, are they calling from an unknown number or have you received a message from a different number? If the impersonation scammer is calling/messaging from a number you don’t know, call the person it should be. If your friend or family member says it isn’t them, then you know it is an impersonation scam.

What to do when you have spotted an impersonation scam+

If you spot an impersonation scam before you end up parting with money, it’s still important that you report the case. It is important that you report this instance to the National Cyber Security Centre as they can take further action. It is also important to make the real person or organisation aware that there is an impersonation scammer pretending to be them. That way, they can make necessary changes to their personal security measures.

Victim of a Scam?

Get in touch

We understand that being the victim of impersonation fraud can be tough to handle, but we hope that our support, action and guidance can enable you to recover lost funds and regain a sense of confidence and security in making trades and investments online.


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