  • The Collapse of FTX: What This Means For Traders

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    In November 2022, the Cryptocurrency exchange FTX collapsed, resulting in a number of repercussions and implications for the crypto trading community. FTX was one of the leading centralised crypto exchanges and it specialised in derivatives trading and leveraged products.  FTX, which was once valued at $32 billion, filed for bankruptcy on the 11th of November…

  • Is Cryptocurrency Going Up Again?

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    After an extended period of instability and numerous dips and increases in the market, it appears that cryptocurrency is going up again and traders are finally seeing some positive increases. The two leading cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin and Ethereum – have both shown long stints of stability and, in recent weeks, both have managed to do…

  • BDSwiss Review: Is BDSwiss a Scam Broker?

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    When it comes to investing, you’re likely going to come into contact with a number of scams and, when you are investing, it is essential to protect your money from falling into the wrong hands. No matter if you are just starting out or are an experienced trading professional, it can be difficult to differentiate…

  • NAGA Global Review: Is Naga a Scam Broker?

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    Losing money that you have worked hard to earn can be tough, but it can be especially difficult if you have lost it to a forex scam broker. There is an abundance of online brokers out there, and it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you. It can also be hard…

  • What Is DEFI? A Guide To Decentralised Finance

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    DeFi stands for decentralised finance and is pronounced as dee-fy. This is becoming increasingly popular due to it being able to cut out the intermediary when making transactions which in turn goes straight to the intended person. This has of course gained popularity due to it being an alternative to traditional financial services. DeFi lets…

  • What Is A Bull And Bear Market?

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    The world of investing has been rife for a couple of years now and the terminology that has been created around it is complete jargon to most. If you have just started out investing, there are two phrases that you should learn off the bat. The bull run and the bear run. Whilst both terms…

  • What Affects The Value Of Cryptocurrency?

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic for a while now and more people are interested in trading than ever before. The issue with this is that many people have had acquaintances that have made some extra cash and then feel like they can simply jump right in with investing. This is a dangerous move and…

  • Why The British Government Is Launching A Fraud Squad

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    Cryptocurrency has been a huge trend for many years now, and as it gets more popular, it becomes more of a playground for scammers and fraudsters. With crypto trading not being regulated as well as many more people having been scammed from a range of different methods such as the everyday taxpayer, the government have…

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    5 Cryptocurrency Myths To Understand Before Investing

    With Revolut bank scams, we’re receiving more cases from people who have lost money through Revolut involving cryptocurrency, or who are struggling to get Revolut refunds after a scam.

    For the past 10 years, there has been much talk around cryptocurrency and, with it being around for some time now, it is apparent that many people have their own opinion on the subject, leading to many cryptocurrency myths floating around.  Some think it’s the best thing and it is going to take over the…